Within the Plan Galego de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación Tecnolóxica (IN.CI.TE), the Galician Aquaculture Association was formed on May 13, 2009, sponsored by the Centro Tecnolóxico Galego de Acuicultura (CETGA).

The Marine Science Station of Toralla (ECIMAT) is member and founding partner of the PTXGA and understands it as a specific instrument which gathers the most representative agents of the Galician aquaculture sector (only the fish farm sector for now).

In Galicia, aquaculture is one of the increasingly relevant sectors at the socio-economic level. ECIMAT shares the same objectives as the PTXGA, as far as correct planning, research and strategic development of the Galician aquaculture are concerned. Besides, ECIMAT understands the PTXGA as a meeting place for the creation of synergies within the sector among private companies, Research Centers, Civil Service and Universities.


1. Vision Document 2030


2. Strategic Agenda


3. Statutes


4. Steering Committee 2008-2009


5. Catalogue of PTXGA’s Capacities


6.  ECIMAT’s Capacities


7. Protocol for Workgroups


8. Workgroup Application



For mor info about the PTXGA, consult: