The sustainable management of marine resources is essential to ensure their survival and contribute to a healthy and safe diet. The need to increase the proportion of food of marine origin, healthier and less costly in energy and environment, cannot be exclusively addressed by fisheries, requiring the development of a biotechnologically advanced aquaculture. Aquaculture is the growing food sector with the fastest production worldwide. The advances in the knowledge of biology, genetics, population dynamics and ecology of exploitable species are the key to ensuring the sustainability of marine resources.
Aquaculture and sustainable exploitation of marine resources
The CIM-UVigo organizes the workshop “Evaluation of stocks with the LBSPR stock assessment method for data-poor and small-scale fisheries“, that will be hold on December…
Thursday March 21th, Jorge Valdés, Senior Researcher from the University of Antofagasta (Chile), presented at the “Café con Sal” conference cycle the lecture “Climatic variavility…
Next Tuesday, February 5th, María Fernández, predoctoral researcher of the Marine Genetic Resources group (ReXenMar) of the CIM-UVigo and the AquaCOV group of the Oceanographic…
A pouco máis de 300 km fronte á costa galega atópase a chaira abisal ibérica, con profundidades de ata 1500 metros. A presenza de zonas…
Thursday 8th November, Estefanía Paredes, responsible of the Marine Biological Funtional Preservation Service from ECIMAT, presented in a conference of the Café con Sal cycle,…
On 24th May, Alba Aguión, a PhD student from Campus do Mar and member of the Future Ocean Labs at the University of Vigo presented…
12th April, Fritz Kleinhans, Associate Professor of Physics, Emeritus from Indiana University -Purdue University, USA, inaugurated the VIII edition of the cycle of conferences “Café…
O xoves 16 de novembro ás 11:00 h Rula Domínguez, técnica de investigación do grupo de Ecoloxía Costeira da Universidade de Vigo, presentou o proxecto…
O xoves día 19 de outubro Monserrat López, técnica de investigación do laboratorio de patoloxía do Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA…
June 1st, Elena Ojea, a post-doctoral researcher from the Future Oceans Lab (University of Vigo), presented the research project “CLOCK: climate Adaptation to shifting stocks”,…
Os cogombros de mar son un recurso mariño moi cobizado en Oriente e nas costas Mediterráneas, e a procura de novas especies noutras áreas de…
As invasións biolóxicas e o cambio climático constitúen unha das principais ameazas para a biodiversidade. Nun escenario de cambio climático, as especies nativas teñen maior…