Integral management of the coastal zone

The great value of the resources and habitats of the coast, one of the most productive area of our planet, have caused an intense development of these zones. Human activity related to aquaculture, fishing, agriculture, industry, energy production, maritime transport, tourism, etc. submits the coast regions to a very strong pressure. The sustainable development of these areas requires approaches that reconcile the limits of natural resources and their ecosystems, with the interests of the society; and lead to the implementation of international planning policies supported by the European Union.

Two CIM researchers participate in the documentary series Desafíos do océano: científicas ao mando

Celia Olabarría (Coastal Ecology) and Ana Bernabeu (Marine and Environmental Geology) participate along with four other Galician researchers in the documentary miniseries Desafíos do océano:…

The Zosteco project identifies various actions to improve the management of marine grasslands

The project is led by the University of Vigo and has the participation of researchers from the Marine Research Center Emilio Fernández, Gonzalo Méndez and…

CIM researchers recommend grouping shellfish banks into clusters following the characteristics of the sediment

Miguel Ángel Nombela, coordinator of the Geological Oceanography and Biogeochemistry group of the Marine Research Centre of the University of Vigo, CIM, and Ángel Mena,…

The coastal areas of Galicia and northern Portugal are today more and better prepared for the coastal risks caused by climate change

The coastal areas of Galicia and the North of Portugal are today “more and better prepared to assess eventual coastal risks in a climate change…

Researchers from the CIM Geoma group publish the largest study to date on the subtidal of the Samil bay

The prestigious Journal of Marine Science and Engineering has just published the largest study to date on the subtidal of the Samil bay, a work…

Oceans Day 2020. By Daniel Rey

Reflections by the director of the CIM-UVigo Marine Research Centre and the Campus do Mar On June 8th we will celebrate World Oceans Day. We…

A workshop on wave energy converters will join in Ourense experts from 15 countries

Around 40 people from 15 European countries will participate on 22 and 23 January in a training school that will aim to delve into the…

A workshop will analyze the latest advances computacionais in fluid simulation

Os días 16 e 17 de outubro o campus de Ourense acollerá a celebración das xornadas HPC for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 2019. A cita, organizada…

Looking for a low-cost geospatial methodology for sustainable management of marine areas

Once investigadoras e investigadores do Grupo de Ecoloxía Costeira do Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, pertencentes ao  Centro de Investigación Mariña e do Grupo…

Technicians from Cabo Verde receive training in marine entrepreneurship

Durante esta semana (11 – 14 decembro), oito técnicas e técnicos de entidades de Cabo Verde formaranse no campus de Vigo, ao abeiro do proxecto…

O International Symposium on Marine Sciences converterá Vigo este verán na capital mundial das ciencias mariñas

O Seminario Ibérico de Química Mariña, o Encontro de Oceanografía Física, a Reunión Ibérica de Fitoplancto Tóxico, a International Science Conference do Campus do Mar,…

Thursday 14th of December the seventh edition of the Café con Sal program is closed with the conference “Integrated environmental assessment of anthropization processes in estuarine ecosystems”

El jueves día 14 de diciembre a las 11:00 h Marta Román, técnica de investigación del grupo de Oceanografía Biológica de la Universidad de Vigo,…