Biological diversity plays a fundamental role in the capacity of marine ecosystems to maintain and keep the balance and regulate the climate, as well as increase the resilience of ecosystems. Knowledge of the structure and dynamics of primary producer communities, consumers and decomposers, determinant in the processes of storage and flow of materials and energy, is key in the sustainable use of marine ecosystems. A healthy ocean provides ecosystem services such as the production of food and marine bioproducts, among others.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
In the neighboring countries, the key contents on the theory of evolution begin to be taught in Primary Education on a compulsory basis and continue…
The project “Peiraos do Solpor”, launched by the Porto of Vigo and the Coastal Ecology group of the Marine Research Center of the University of…
Reflections by the director of the CIM-UVigo Marine Research Centre and the Campus do Mar On June 8th we will celebrate World Oceans Day. We…
At the time of carrying out studies on ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, estuaries and oceans, among the small-scale laboratory studies and those carried out…
The sea urchin is a fishery of high commercial value and its consumption can be traced back to prehistoric times, but the overexploitation of natural…
71% of the Earth’s surface corresponds to the oceans and only 5% of the total is completely studied. These are figures that help to understand…
Sea urchins have evolved from a secondary species into a high-demanded product that has pushed the local fisheries to develop a exploitation plan for this…
Pouco máis dunha semana despois da súa presentación oficial en Mónaco, o director de Investigación do Instituto de Hidráulica de Cantabria e un dos dous…
O pasado día 19 de xullo celebrouse no salón de actos da Facultade de Ciencias do Mar da Universidade de Vigo a Xornada Malacolóxica “Malacodía”,…
O nitróxeno é un elemento esencial na biosfera, dado que é imprescindible para o crecemento das plantas en ecosistemas tanto terrestres como acuáticos. Selvas tropicais,…
Once investigadoras e investigadores do Grupo de Ecoloxía Costeira do Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, pertencentes ao Centro de Investigación Mariña e do Grupo…
O cambio climático é unha realidade desde hai varias décadas e os seus efectos mídense xa en termos de perda de biodiversidade. Conscientes desta realidade…