We are the main marine knowledge generation and marine knowledge transfer agent at the University of Vigo, and one of the main elements of the institution´s internacionalization capacity.

Taking measurements in a seagrass bed
Taking measurements in a seagrass bed

Our organization and research critical mass enable multifocal approaches and allow us to exploit synergies to tackle large scale marine studies that give reply to the complex problems that our seas face. We are a research reference in areas like ocean observation and global change, marine ecotoxicology, sustainable use of marine resources or the integral management of the coastal zone. Additionally, the effort that we are making to improve our Centre´s international positioning and on transfering the generated knowledge to society and to its productive sectors is already paying back.

International Projects
Of all UVigo´s H2020
Scientific publications
R+D Contracts
New Doctors

**2020-2023 Data