The creation of technology based companies is one of the most efficient formulas to transfer the generated knowledge to productive sectors and society

BlueStructure, S.L.

BlueStructure, launched in 2020 by CIM researchers and private initiative, aims to provide with ecological engineering solutions to meet the challenge of minimizing the effects of the construction of marine infrastructures and the climate change. BlueStructure can provide public administrations and companies that develop infrastructures with tools and eco-engineering resources based on interdisciplinary research in the fields of ecology, engineering and socioeconomics.

Hydrosphere, S.L.

Hydrosphere is an innovative business initiative created in 2019 with the participation of CIM research staff and private initiative, which aims to create an environmental studies laboratory specialized in the taxonomic identification of invertebrate benthic fauna and in the study of biological and environmental parameters, recognized as key indicators in the monitoring of the ecological status/potential of surface waters. It also works as a global marine consultancy in terms of biological resources.

Environmental Physics Technologies S. L. (EPHYTECH)

Tech based company that emerges from the Centre´s Environmental Physics Laboratory and focused on transferring to the productive sectors the results of basic research in different areas of physics and engineering.

The company has a multidisciplinary team that relies in innovative technology which allows them to tackle projects in different sectors: maritime and civil engineering, renewable energies, environmental studies, climate change effect studies and fluid simulation software development.


The company is the result of the transfer of the knowledge generated by CIM´s Strategic Environmental Assesment team, focused on environmental and territorial research. The company has an integrative vocation and it  brings together proffessionals from several disciplines among the earth and social sciences.

One of the most innovative aspects of this company is the development of a proprietary methodology for the strategic environmental assesment (plan and program evaluation), regulated by EU Directive 2001/42 and its subsequent implementation in Spain´s law for environmental assesment , law 21/2013.

Aguas de Rodas

Set up in 2019 by researchers of the Coastal Ecology Research Group of the Marine Research Centre of the University of Vigo and the Energy Technologies Group of the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Vigo. The objective is to develop a product´s line for human consumption, using the deep sea water of the Ría de Vigo as a fundamental and differentiating element.