The sea has historically been a source of wealth and novel challenges for Galicia, the sea is embedded in our social identity and sea related activities have always been drivers of our economy.

The sea has historically been a source of wealth and novel challenges for Galicia, the sea is embedded in our social identity and sea related activities have always been drivers of our economy. In the global context, the competitiveness of Galician Economy, must neccesarily be based in offering high value products and services, that stand out by their high technology and quality. This is only possible through the promotion of a knowledge-based economic model, in which the knowledge generating actors must have access to the neccesary mechanisms, and must be active in the transfer of that knowledge to the productive sectors, to policy makers and to society at large.
The importance of the sea for the Galician economy and society is very present in the Regional Smart Speciallisation Strategy (RIS3 Galicia), as can be seen in all of its priorities (food, health, energy, tourism, transport, commerce, shipbuilding industry…) all of which are fully aligned with our Centre´s strategic reserach lines.
For this reason, one of the three lines of our Centre´s mission is to promote the transfer of the generated knowledge for the benefit of society, promoting the collaboration of our researchers with companies, productive associations, governmental administrations or any other entity or institution which may profit from that knowledge for the benefit of society at large and specially of Galician society.
Thus, we put all our scientific and technological potential, teams, infrastructure, and all our R&D+i resources at the service of society, which can be consulted in our Service Catalog.