Aquaculture and sustainable exploitation of marine resources

The sustainable management of marine resources is essential to ensure their survival and contribute to a healthy and safe diet. The need to increase the proportion of food of marine origin, healthier and less costly in energy and environment, cannot be exclusively addressed by fisheries, requiring the development of a biotechnologically advanced aquaculture. Aquaculture is the growing food sector with the fastest production worldwide. The advances in the knowledge of biology, genetics, population dynamics and ecology of exploitable species are the key to ensuring the sustainability of marine resources.

6th of July Francisco Santos will present at the ECIMAT the conference titled “Influence of climate change on offshore renewable energy”

El jueves día 6 de julio Francisco José Santos, investigador post-doctoral de la Universidad de Vigo y la Universidad de Aveiro, presentará la conferencia titulada “Influence…

A criopreservación podería supor toda unha revolución para a acuicultura

A criopreservación é a día de hoxe unha das técnicas máis aceptadas e con máis proxección de futuro para o mantemento a longo prazo de…

Dr Ben Halpern at the Interdisciplinary Fisheries Seminar Series

On Wednesday April 4 at 1pm, Dr. Ben Halpern from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) will be presenting his perspective on ‘Identifying, measuring,…

Taking the Blue Bioeconomy Forward

Brussels, 21. March. Marine biotechnology is high on the political agenda. Around 70 experts, company representatives and policy makers met at the European Parliament on…

The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-ERIC) is established

On the 20th of February 2018, The European Commission adopted the Implementing Decision to establish the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, as the 18th European…

O International Symposium on Marine Sciences converterá Vigo este verán na capital mundial das ciencias mariñas

O Seminario Ibérico de Química Mariña, o Encontro de Oceanografía Física, a Reunión Ibérica de Fitoplancto Tóxico, a International Science Conference do Campus do Mar,…

Wednesday 13th December Mikko Heino presents at the Interdisciplinary Fisheries Seminar Series

The 13th of December at 1pm, Visiting Professor Mikko Heino from the University of Bergen and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) will…

The Marine Research Center of the University of Vigo participates in the first European project that studies the barnacle

Con la excepción de varios estudios realizados en Portugal y algunas tesis y trabajos sueltos, publicados en Galicia y Asturias, el percebe nunca fue objeto…

Campus do Mar leads the implementation of a plan to adapt Spanish aquaculture to climate change

España cuenta con un Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático y en él se subraya la necesidad de desarrollar planes específicos para los diferentes…

On November 29, the event “Technologies and innovative solutions to face the environmental challenges of the canning industry” will be held in Vigo

On November 29, the event “Technologies and innovative solutions to face the environmental challenges of the canning industry” will be held in Vigo, organized by…

The project to create the largest and most diverse marine biobank kicks off in Vigo

The kick-off meeting for the European Marine Biological Resource Centre Biobank (EBB) project took place in Vigo on the 21st and 22nd of November 2017.…

El día 28 de noviembre Campus do Mar presenta el proyecto AQUADAPT – Plan de Adaptación del sector de la acuicultura marina española al cambio climático

El día 28 de noviembre tendrá lugar la Jornada de presentación del Proyecto AQUADAPT – Plan de Adaptación del sector de la acuicultura marina española…