Aquaculture and sustainable exploitation of marine resources

The sustainable management of marine resources is essential to ensure their survival and contribute to a healthy and safe diet. The need to increase the proportion of food of marine origin, healthier and less costly in energy and environment, cannot be exclusively addressed by fisheries, requiring the development of a biotechnologically advanced aquaculture. Aquaculture is the growing food sector with the fastest production worldwide. The advances in the knowledge of biology, genetics, population dynamics and ecology of exploitable species are the key to ensuring the sustainability of marine resources.

Oceans Day 2020. By Daniel Rey

Reflections by the director of the CIM-UVigo Marine Research Centre and the Campus do Mar On June 8th we will celebrate World Oceans Day. We…

The Ocimer project will improve the sea urchin culture and repopulate the overexploited areas of the Vigo estuary with 30,000 specimens

The sea urchin is a fishery of high commercial value and its consumption can be traced back to prehistoric times, but the overexploitation of natural…

A workshop on wave energy converters will join in Ourense experts from 15 countries

Around 40 people from 15 European countries will participate on 22 and 23 January in a training school that will aim to delve into the…

ECIMAT will work on the optimization of sea urchin sustainable culture

Sea urchins have evolved from a secondary species into a high-demanded product that has pushed the local fisheries to develop a exploitation plan for this…

Applications to improve the razor clam fishery management

O marisqueo manual e tradicional non é incompatible co uso de novas tecnoloxías para optimizar a explotación dos recursos. Mostra disto é o sector da…

The Future Oceans Lab was invited to a school to talk about its research on climate change and fisheries

The Spanish “11 de Febrero” initiative has been created to commemorate the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” in order to encourage girls…

Looking for a low-cost geospatial methodology for sustainable management of marine areas

Once investigadoras e investigadores do Grupo de Ecoloxía Costeira do Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, pertencentes ao  Centro de Investigación Mariña e do Grupo…

The CIM-UVigo will collaborate in the development of the first feeder for aquaculture adapted to small and medium-sized seafarms

A ausencia no mercado dun sistema de alimentación flotante para acuicultura no mar dimensionado especificamente para explotacións de tamaño mediano e pequeno, está na orixe…

Parásitos de peixes de profundidade como indicadores de conectividade no Océano Profundo

A pouco máis de 300 km fronte á costa galega atópase a chaira abisal ibérica, con profundidades de ata 1500 metros. A presenza de zonas…

Innovación como base para reciclarse profesionalmente

Especialistas procedentes de toda España participan os días 24 e 25 de outubro no curso Innovación e sustentabilidade no sector acuícola: boas prácticas, novas tecnoloxías…

Maritime regions and Research Infrastructures from across Europe will join forces on blue bioeconomy

In mid-September, representatives of the regions of Crete, the Algarve, Brittany, Basque Country, Galicia, Occitania as well as Research Infrastructures such as European Marine Biological…

Europe recognizes the efforts of the Marine Research Center of the University to become an international benchmark

Vigo acoge hoy y mañana la 5ª Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, una reunión anual en la que se reúnen decenas de agentes interesados en la…