The Center applies a socio-ecological perspective in all its fields of specialization, welcoming and promoting multidisciplinary collaboration. The CIM recognizes the importance of integrating humans into the oceans for both science and development. Therefore, we foster a socio-ecological perspective of problems and solutions for the oceans and society, with special attention to gender and equity. The CIM conceives this approach as a key element in the transfer of scientific advances, welcoming and promoting multidisciplinary collaboration between areas such as biology, chemistry, geology, economics, oceanography or sociology or law.
Socio-Ecological Perspective
O sector pesqueiro galego xa percibe os efectos do cambio climático, que ameaza o funcionamento dos sistemas mariños
O proxecto Clock: Adaptación á redistribución dos stocks pesqueiros chega ao seu fin logo de seis anos de actividade. O grupo de investigación Future Oceans…