CIM has designed different actions aimed at fostering interdisciplinary collaboration within its research staff. Thus, We are CIM promotes the internal cohesion of the center with informal meetings with personnel from different profiles culminating at the end of the year in the Annual CIMentos Assembly.

We are CIM

With the aim of sharing experiences and establishing new synergies in a relaxed atmosphere, We are CIM meetings are organized. These are gatherings where personnel from different backgrounds come together to collaborate, sharing dynamics of funding, conceptualization, or project generation.

Annual CIMentos Assembly

On November 10, 2023, the I Annual CIMentos Assembly took place at the University Campus of Vigo, a scientific event organized by the Marine Research Center (CIM) of the University of Vigo with the objective of bringing together all the research staff of the center in a dedicated space for the presentation of works, knowledge exchange, and establishment of collaborations.

During the meeting, attended by more than a hundred researchers from the center, scientific advances were shared through a dozen oral presentations and 32 posters on topics related to aquaculture and sustainable resource exploitation, biodiversity and ecosystem services, global change and pollution, renewable energies and new resources, and integrated coastal zone management.

A space for scientific diversity and interdisciplinary collaboration

One of the main focuses of this meeting was to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and cutting-edge research, seeking to encourage interaction between different disciplines to address marine environment challenges from multiple perspectives, providing innovative solutions and debating the future of marine science and our oceans.

This first scientific meeting was presented as a unique opportunity to establish valuable connections with colleagues, taking advantage of an environment conducive to networking.

CIM Award

At the event, the creation of the CIM Award was announced, which will recognize the person or institution with a leading trajectory for research staff or with work that contributes advances in the research areas of CIM, both nationally and internationally.

This award aims to highlight the impact and relevance of the achievements made by the winning individual, to make their scientific contributions visible and motivate the center’s staff to continue advancing in the construction of CIM’s future under foundations supported by research capacity, youth, and interdisciplinarity. The recipient of this award will conduct the plenary session of next year’s assembly, where they will share their experience, knowledge, and achievements with the scientific community at next year’s event.

A space for scientific diversity and interdisciplinary collaboration

One of the main focuses of this meeting was to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and collaboratuve research, seeking to encourage interaction between different disciplines to address challenges of the marine environment from multiple perspectives, providing innovative solutions and debating the future of marine science and our oceans.

This first scientific meeting was presented as a unique opportunity to establish valuable connections with colleagues, taking advantage of an environment conducive to networking.



08:30h –
09:00h Welcome and opening of the 1st CIMentos Annual Assembly
09:30h –
Convened communication:
“The sexual activity of anchovies generates turbulence in the sea”.
Research winner of the IG Nobel Prize in Physics
Beatriz Mouriño Carballido
(Biological Oceanography)
09:45h – 10:00h “Involvement of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) in valine orexigenic effects in rainbow trout”.
Sara Comesaña Fernández
10:00h – 10:15h “The gut-brain axis in fish: from detecting nutrients in th gut to modulatin central appetite-regulatory systems”.
Ayelén Blanco Imperiali
10:15h – 10:30h “Mitocondrial genome sequencing of marine leukaemias reveals cancer contagion between clam species on the seas of Southern Europe”.
Sara Rocha
(Population xenomics and cytogenetics)
10:30h – 10:45h “Effects of anthropogenic stressors on intertidal ecosystems”.
Marta Román Geada
10:45h – 11:00h “Influence of the Canary Islands upwelling system on ocean surface temperature throughout the 21st century”.
Rubén Varela Rodríguez
11:00h – 11:15h “EcoTox – Molecular biomarkers”.
Sandra Isabel Moreno Abril
11:15h – 12:00h Coffee break and visit the panelling
12:00h – 12:15h “Combining offshore wind and solar photovoltaic energy to stabilize energy supply under climate change scenarios: A case study on the western Iberian Peninsula”.
Beatriz Arguilé Pérez
12:15h – 12:30h “Analysis of marine renewable energy generation through climate projections”.
Xurxo Costoya Noguerol
12:30h – 12:45h “DualSPHysics: from fluid dynamics to multiphysics for real engineering problems”.
José Manuel Domínguez Alonso
12:45h – 13:00h “Challenges in coastal monitoring of beaches and dunes, some examples in Spain and Portugal”.
Ángela Fontán Bouzas
13:00h – 15:00h Food and panellists
15:00h – 15:45h Round table: “The future of the CIM”
15:45h – 16:30h Debate
16:30h – 17:00h Closure
*Panels: 32 posters.


Organising Committee

  • Daniel Rey. Dirección do CIM
  • Moncho Gómez Gesteira. Área de Investigación do CIM
  • Jose Manuel García Estévez. Dirección da Ecimat
  • Cristina Quelle. Área de Innovación e Transferencia do CIM
  • Charo de la Huz. Área de Xestión e apoio á investigación do CIM
  • Marta Crespo. Área de Comunicación do CIM

Scientific Committee

Coordinators and coordinators of the areas of specialisation:

  • José Luis Soengas Fernández, catedrático da Universidade de Vigo e coordinador da área de especialización de Acuicultura e explotación sostible dos recursos.
  • Armando Caballero Rúa, catedrático da Universidade de Vigo e coordinador da área de especialización de Biodiversidade e servizos ecosistémicos.
  • María Teresa de Castro Rodríguez, catedrática da Universidade de Vigo e coordinadora da área de especialización de Enerxías renovables e novos recursos.
  • Ana María Bernabeu Tello, catedrática da Universidade de Vigo e coordinadora da área de especialización de Xestión integrada da zona costeira.
  • María Cristina Sobrino García, profesora titular da Universidade de Vigo e representante da área de especialización de Cambio Global e contaminación.


  • José Guitián Bermejo, investigador postdoutoral contratado pola Universidade de Vigo
  • Marta Conde Sieira, investigadora distinguida da Universidade de Vigo
  • Xurxo Costoya Noguerol, investigador Juan de la Cierva
  • Xochitl Elías, investigadora predoutoral da Universidade de Vigo
  • Sara Varela, investigadora distinguida (Programa Oportunius-GAIN) da Universidade de Vigo