Tuesday April 23th, Marcos Rubal, Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR, Portugal), will present the conference “Mussel beds. Much more than seafood”, in which he will discuss the main results of the project “ECOS-New tools to evaluate the ecological status of rocky shores and its relationship with ecosystem services“.
The project, financed by EDRF and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, will assess the effects of anthropogenic stressors on rocky shores, using Mytilus galloprovincialis as a model, including new tools to define the ecological status of this habitat.
During the conference, Marcos will present the project, focusing on the activities that are being develeloped at the moment, mainly: 1) the effect of the urbanization over M. galloprovincialis populations and its associated fauna, 2) the sediment acumulation effects over the M. galloprovincialis associated fauna and 3) the consequences of rocky shore health on the delivery of ecosystem services provided by them.
The conference will take place at the conference room of the ECIMAT at 11:00h (CES) and will be live streamed on http://tv.uvigo.es/es/directo/1.html and permanently available on our websites (UVigo TV and CIM-UVigo).
- Presentation of Marcos Rubal Alba Hernández, CIM-UVigo
- Videoconference: "Mussel beds, much more than seafood" Marcos Rubal, CIIMAR (Portugal)
- Question time Marcos Rubal, CIIMAR (Portugal)