Rearing fish in the sea: ¿what happens when they escape?

Tuesday 22th September at 11h, Pablo Sánchez Jerez, Professor at the Universidade de Alicante, presented the conference Rearing fish in the sea: ¿what happens when they escape?

One of the sectors most affected by the extreme events caused by climate change is marine aquaculture, especially due to losses in biomass and damage to facilities. The escape of fish from sea-cage aquaculture is a serious threat to natural biodiversity in costal ecosystem since escaped fish may cause undesirable genetic effects in native populations through interbreeding, and ecological effects through predation, competition and the transfer of diseases to wild fish. The GLORIA project (GLObal change Resilience In Aquaculture), funded by the Fundación Biodiversidad, arises from the need to develop mitigation and contingency plans in floating marine cages in the face of a scenario of global change in which extreme weather events will affect these facilities in a more recurrent and intense way.

Pablo Sánchez, researcher of the GLORIA project and specialist in aquaculture environmental manage, presented during his conference the need of prevent fish escapes and mitigate its impacts, focusing in the field of salmon aquaculture.

Given the situation caused by COVID-19, the conference was hold virtually through the Remote Campus of the University of Vigo

The report is available on the next links:
