The CIM-UVigo organizes the workshop “Evaluation of stocks with the LBSPR stock assessment method for data-poor and small-scale fisheries“, that will be hold on December 3, 4 and 5 at the ECIMAT. The workshop, given by Jeremy Prince (University of Murdoch, Australia), is under the project “Estudo da variabilidade espacial do ciclo reprodutivo da navalla na Ría de Vigo e a súa aplicación á xestión pesqueira“, funded by the Consellería do Mar (Xunta de Galicia), and is aimed at fishery managers of sedentary fisheries in Galicia and research staff interested in the subject.
The length-based assessment of spawning potential ratio (LBSPR) is a newly developed stock assessment method for data-poor and small-scale fisheries. Based on the original principles of Beverton and Holt LBSPR uses the characteristic life history ratios of species (M/K & Lm/L∞) to analyse the shape of adult length-frequency histograms and estimate the size selectivity () and relative fishing pressure (F/M) being applied to stocks, and the resulting spawning potential ratio (SPR). The technique is an extremely cost-effective method for making snapshot stock assessments and developing simple management strategies. Its principals are simple and intuitive so that when implemented with fishing communities through a program of community-based science the methodology becomes an important communication tool with a proven record of empowering community-based fisheries management.
The first of these three workshops will describe the theory underpinning the LBSPR approach, the communications materials developed to support is application for community based fisheries management, and case studies of its application with fishing communities fishing for reef fish in Pacific Islands, blue swimmer crabs in Sri Lanka and abalone in Australia. The second and third workshops will be practical and focused on facilitating participants apply the approach to their own data.
To register please send an email to, with your name and afiliation before 28th November.