The Environmental Physics Lab (EPHYSLAB), CIM-UVigo, organice this Friday October 4th, into the “Cátedra Naturgy da Universidade de Vigo” and with the collaboration of the “Fundación Universidade”, a workshop about the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate presented on September 25th.
At the beginning of the workshop, the prize for the best Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development Management 2019 will be awarded. Next, Iñigo Losada (Professor of the Department of Sciences and Water and Environment Techniques of the University of Cantabria and Director of the Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of the University of Cantabria), co-author of the report, will present the conference “El informe del IPCC sobre Océanos y Criosfera (SROCC) y sus implicaciones sobre la gestión de la costa”. Finally, there will be a round table formed by Elena Ojea (Future Oceans Lab, CIM-UVigo) and Moncho Gómez Gesteira (Ephyslab, CIM-UVigo).
The workshop will be hold at the romm 1 of the Edificio Miralles (University of Vigo), at 10:30.