Galician University System Network of Research Centre (CIGUS Network)

The Marine Research Centre (CIM) of the University of Vigo is one of the eight centres that form part of the Galician University System Network of Research Centres (CIGUS Network). The quality and impact of its research is accredited by the Xunta de Galicia.


ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2019-2022. “A way to make Europe”

The Marine Research Centre (CIM) is one of the 8 research centres of Galicia´s University System (SUG), an acreditation granted on the 13th of December of 2019 by the General Secretariat for Universities from the Regional Government´s Education Universities and Profesional Training through the Program for the acreditation, structuring and improvement of research centres of Galicia´s University System.

The acreditation, structuring and improvement of UVigo Marine Research Centre is cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in the framework of the Operational Program Galicia 2019-2022 with the thematic objective to “promote technological development, innovation and high quality research”, which, in the case of CIM-UVigo, will contribute to promoting the generation of excellent knowledge in marine science, the transfer of that knowledge for the benefit of society, and the internacionalization of UVigo´s marine research activity.