This publication from the University of Vigo aims to inspire scientific vocations among secondary education students
In this fourth edition, beatifully illustrated by Laura Antelo Gómez, the story of remarkable women, ten researchers, ten girls who wanted to dedicate themselves to what they love most: contributing new knowledge in their respective fields to prompt society progress towards a better future. As emphasized in the preface of the book by the Vice-Rector for Communication and Institutional Relations, Mónica Valderrama, it is about “offering the new generations current and close references”, as well as “supporting research done by women”.
One of these protagonists is Marta Conde Sieira, a researcher in the field of Marine Biology in the Fish Physiology group and its application in aquaculture, PhysToFish, at the Marine Research Center (CIM-UVigo). In the publication, Conde makes us think of great scientists like Marie Curie or Rosalind Franklin, “they, besides being good researchers and contributing a lot to science, were also very brave women who did not give up despite the obstacles”.
Funded by FECYT
This publication, funded by FECYT, is part of the activities of the Science Return Plan, the annual activities program 2023/2024 of the Science Culture and Innovation Unit of UVigo (UCC+i). Aimed at secondary education students, both ESO and Baccalaureate, it is available in both print and digital formats in high schools throughout Galicia. In addition, the book is accompanied by a didactic guide and gamified content with the Genially tool, in order to facilitate the work of teachers with the catalog in the classrooms.
Source: DUVI