The coastal areas of Galicia and northern Portugal are today more and better prepared for the coastal risks caused by climate change

The coastal areas of Galicia and the North of Portugal are today “more and better prepared to assess eventual coastal risks in a climate change scenario” thanks to the work carried out in the framework of the ‘MarRisk’ project. This is what El Faro de Vigo and Galicia Press report about the cross-border closing event of the MarRisk project held last October in Santiago de Compostela.

The Marrisk project was born with the mission of ensuring a “smart and sustainable growth” of the coastal areas of Galicia and Northern Portugal by evaluating the most prominent coastal risks in a climate change scenario, to improve the resilience of the traditional economic sectors and other emerging. This was one of the main conclusions presented during the international event organized by the Department of the Environment to publicize the results of the initiative in its more than three years of operation.

The project is part of the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation Program (Poctep) and is coordinated at the University of Vigo by Professor Ramón Gómez Gesteira, from the EPhysLab Group of the CIM. The Xunta de Galicia participates through Meteogalicia, Intecmar and CETMAR, and other 10 Spanish and Portuguese institutions.

More information at Faro de Vigo and Galicia Press.