The oceano-ECIMAT research cluster participated throughout 2016 in 20 national and international scientific congresses

The Oceano-ECIMAT research cluster participated throughout 2016 in 20 national and international scientific congresses, with a total of 33 posters and 24 oral presentations. Next is a list of the congresses with all the presented studies and the information available of each of them.

Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting 2015, Portland Oregon (USA)

  • WETHEY, D.S., WOODIN, S.A., MACHO, G., VAZQUEZ, E., OLABARRIA, C., KEY, P. Forecasting mortality from thermal and salinity stress in commercial shellfish beds. Oral communication.

X Congreso Internacional de Ciencias del Mar MARCUBA, La Habana, Cuba

  • CURRA, N., RODRIGUEZ, M., MACHO, G., VÁZQUEZ, E., WOODIN, A, WETHEY, D., OLABARRIA, C. Effects of Salinity on the Mortality Rates and Behaviour of Three Important Commercial Clams. Póster.
  • HERRERA-RODRÍGUEZ, M., MACHO, G., WETHEY, D., VÁZQUEZ, E. Settlement and recruitment success of Semibalanus balanoides at its southernmost European distribution limit (Galicia, Spain) in a Climate Change context. Póster.
  • MONTES, A., OLABARRIA, C., VÁZQUEZ, E. Invasiveness of a mussel: effects of temperature and salinity on early developmental stages. Póster.

V Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva, Murcia

  • ESTÉVEZ D., CARVALHO J., FARIA R., GALINDO J., ROLÁN-ÁLVAREZ E. Un polimorfismo protegido en poblaciones naturales de Littorina fabalis (Turton, 1982). Comunicación oral.
  • FERNÁNDEZ-MEIRAMA M., CARVAJAL-RODRÍGUEZ A., ROLÁN-ÁLVAREZ E. Validación, mediante simulaciones, de la estimación de la preferencia durante el apareamiento en poblaciones naturales. Póster.

Ocean Science Meeting 2016, New Orleans (USA)

  • MOURIÑO-CARBALLIDO B., S. AGUSTÍ, A. BODE, P. CERMEÑO, P. CHOUCIÑO, J. DA SILVA, B. FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRO*, J. GASOL, M. GILCOTO, R. GRAÑA, M. LATASA, L. LUBIÁN, E. MARAÑÓN, X.A.G. MORÁN, E. MORENO-OSTOS, V. MOREIRA*, J.L. OTERO-FERRER*, M. RUIZ, R. SCHAREK, S. VALLINA, M. VARELA, M. VILLAMAÑA. Major role of nutrient supply in the control of picophytoplankton community structure. Comunicación oral. Presentación.

EGU General Assembly, Viena (Austria)

  • DRAGO, T., SILVA,P., LOPES, A., MAGALHÃES, V., ROQUE, C., RODRIGUES, A.I., NOIVA, J., TERRINHA, P., MENA, A., FRANCÉS, G., KOPF, A., VÖLKER, D., OMIRA, R. & BAPTISTA, M.A. Searching for tsunamis evidences on the Algarve (Southern Portugal) continental shelf sedimentary record. Poster. EGU General Assembly. Abstract.
  • LOPEZ, A. E., RUBIO, B., REY. D., MOHAMED, K., PLAZA-MORLOTE, M., DRUET, M , MARTINS, V. Morphosedimentary expression of the Giant Pock Mark structure known as the “Gran Burato” (Transitional Zone, Galicia continental margin). Poster. Volumen de Resúmenes
  • PLAZA MORLOTE, M., REY, D., SANTOS, J.F., RIBEIRO, S., BERNABEU, A.M., MOHAMED, K., HESLOP, D., RUBIO, B., MARTINS, V. Isotopic and magnetic provenance characterization of distal IRD in the Galicia Interior Basin (NW Iberia). Poster. Volumen de Resúmenes. Abstract
  • PLAZA-MORLOTE, M., REY, D.,SANTOS, J.F. ,RIBEIRO,S.,BERNABEU,A.M., MOHAMED, K. , HESLOP, D., RUBIO, B., MARTINS, V. Magnetic properties contribution to the identification and provenance of marine sediments: distal IRD in the Galicia Interior Basin (NW Spain). Oral communication. Volumen de Resúmenes. Abstract

4th Genomics in Aquaculture Symposium, Atenas (Grecia)

  • CHTIOUI, A., VILLANUEVA, B., MORÁN, P., KENT, M.P. AND SAURA, M. Linkage disequilibrium patterns in spanish atlantic salmon obtained from genomic data. Poster.
  • FERNÁNDEZ, A.I., VILLANUEVA, B., MORÁN, P., FERNÁNDEZ, A., KENT, M.P. AND SAURA, M. Identification of genomic regions regulating sex determination in atlantic salmon using high density snp data. Comunicación oral.
  • SAURA, M. CHTIOUI, A. FERNÁNDEZ, A.I MORÁN, P. KENT, M.P. AND VILLANUEVA, B. Exploiting genomic data of spanish atlantic salmon to identify genes involved in sex determination and to estimate effective population size. Comunicación oral.

SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 26th Annual Meeting, Nantes (Francia)

IX seminario de citogenética, Toledo (España)

  • FERNÁNDEZ-RODRÍGUEZ J, FULLER N, GARCÍA-SOUTO D, GALINDO J, PASANTES JJ. Polimorfismo cromosómico en Nucella lapillus en la costa gallega. Comunicación oral.
  • GARCÍA-SOUTO D, FERVENZA S, PASANTES JJ. Caracterización cariotípica de mitílidos de los géneros Perna y Brachidontes. Comunicación oral.

22nd International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Genomics, Toulouse (Francia)

  • FERNÁNDEZ-RODRÍGUEZ J., GARCÍA-SOUTO D.,FULLER N., GALINDO J., AND PASANTES JJ. Analysis of the chromosome pairing in the dog whelk Nucella lapillus. Comunicación oral. Abstract
  • GARCÍA-SOUTO D., QARKAXHIJA V., PÉREZ-GARCÍA C., MORÁN P., PASANTES JJ. Insights into the Chamelea gallina/striatula complex evolution: A cytogenetic and population genetics approach. Comunicación oral. Abstract

The 19th International Congress of UNITAS MALACOLOGICA, World Congress of Malacology 2016, Penang (Malasia)

  • ANEIROS, F., MATUD, P. MOREIRA, J. & TRONCOSO, J.S. Allometric growth of Kurtiella bidentata (Montagu, 1803) and its relation with sediment characteristics in a Galician Ría (NW Iberian Peninsula). Póster.
  • ANEIROS, F., RUBAL, M., BAÑÓN, R. & TRONCOSO, J. Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 1758): from absent to dominant in Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). Comunicación Oral.
  • MOREIRA, J., RUBAL, M., VEIGA, P. & TRONCOSO, J.S. Patterns of distribution of subtidal mollusc assemblages at the Ensenada de Baiona (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula). Póster.
  • RUBAL, M., COSTA-GARCIA, R. BESTEIRO, C., SOUSA-PINTO, I, & VEIGA, P. Mollusc diversity associated with the non-indigenous macroalga Asparagopsis armata Harvey, along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Póster.
  • RUBAL, M., VEIGA, P. MOREIRA, J. TORRES, A.C., SOUSA-PINTO, I. & TRONCOSO, J.S. Intertidal gastropods and global warming along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Comunicación Oral.

V Simposio internacional de Ciencias del Mar, Alicante (España)

  • ANGELI, J.L.F., RUBIO, B., RUBENS, C.L.F. A multiproxy approach based on sedimentary records of the last century from a tropical tidal estuary (NE, Brazil). Póster. Volumen de Resúmenes 125-126
  • GRAÑA, M. LATASA, L. LUBIÁN, E. MARAÑÓN, X.A.G. MORÁN, E. MORENO-OSTOS, V. MOREIRA-COELLO*, J-L. OTERO-FERRER*, M. RUIZ, R. SCHAREK, S. VALLINA, M. VARELA, M. VILLAMAÑA. Control of tHe structure of marine phytoplAnkton cOmmunities by turbulence and nutrient supply dynamicS (CHAOS). Comunicación oral. Abstract
  • FERNÁNDEZ-GONZÁLEZ L.E., SÁNCHEZ-MARÍN P., MANTILLA-ALDANA L., DIZ A.P., BEIRAS R. Comparison of proteomic and spectrophotometric methods for vitellogenin measurement in Mytilus galloprovincialis. Póster. Abstract.
  • J.L. OTERO-FERRER*, P. CERMEÑO, E. MARAÑÓN, B. MOURIÑO-CARBALLIDO. The effect of nutrient supply dynamics on the competition between Synechococcus sp. and Micromonas pusilla. Comunicación oral. Abstract
  • LÓPEZ-PÉREZ, A. E., RUBIO, B., REY, D. Aplicación de análisis quimiométricos para la clasificación de facies sedimentarias en ambientes marinos profundos. Póster. Volumen de Resúmenes 195-196
  • MOREIRA-COELLO V., B. MOURIÑO-CARBALLIDO, E. MARAÑÓN, A. FERNÁNDEZ, P. CHOUCIÑO, E. SINTES, M.M. VARELA, A. BODE. Nitrogen fixation and diffusive fluxes in the upwelling region off NW Iberia. Comunicación oral. Abstract
  • PLAZA-MORLOTE, REY D., M., SANTOS, J. F., RIBEIRO, S., HESLOP, D., BERNABEU A., MOHAMED K. J., RUBIO, B., MARTINS V. Desde la Cuenca Interior de Galicia (NW Iberia) a las masas de hielo Noratlánticas. Póster. Volumen de Resúmenes 252-253.
  • RUBIO, B., REY D., BERNABEU A., MOHAMED K. J., VILAS, F., RODRÍGUEZ-GERMADE, I., PLAZA-MORLOTE, M., LÓPEZ-PEREZ, A., ÁLVAREZ-IGLESIAS, P., ANGELI, J.L.F., LUZEVA, F. Rapid and high-resolution physicochemical analysis of transitional and deep marine sedimentary environments with XRF core scanners. Póster. Volumen de Resúmenes 272-273
  • USÓ, J., GUITIÁN, J., MENA, A., FRANCÉS, G., PÉREZ ARLUCEA, M. & EQUIPO MOWER. Fluctuaciones ambientales durante el Holoceno en el Golfo de Cádiz. Comunicación oral. 
  • VILLAMAÑA M., B. MOURIÑO-CARBALLIDO, E. MARAÑÓN, P. CERMEÑO, P. CHOUCIÑO, J. C.B. DA SILVA, P.A. DÍAZ, B. FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRO, M. GILCOTO, R. GRAÑA, M. LATASA, J.M. MAGALHAES, J.L. OTERO-FERRER, B. REGUERA, R. SCHAREK. Role of internal waves on mixing, nutrient supply and phytoplankton composition during spring and neap tides in the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). Comunicación oral. Abstract.

IV Encuentro de Oceanografía Física, Alicante (España)

  • FERNÁNDEZ-CASTRO B., M. GILCOTO, M. VILLAMAÑA, A.C. NAVEIRA GARABATO, P. CHOUCIÑO, R. GRAÑA, B. MOURIÑO-CARBALLIDO. Mixing and turbulence sources during the summer upwelling season in the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain). Comunicación oral. Abstract

53rd Society for Cryobiology Annual meeting CRYO2016, Ottawa (Canada)

  • E. PAREDES, S. PEREZ, A. MARTINEZ, A. VILLANUEVA, D. COSTAS. Cryopreservation of Marine Microalgae assemblages. Oral Communication.

ICP12. 12th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Utrecht (Holanda)

  • ÁLVAREZ, J., ÁLVAREZ, C., FRANCÉS, G., DIZ, P., GRIMALT J. & CASADO, M. Sea surface dynamics in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during the last 55 Ka. Poster. Abstract.
  • AUSIN, B., HERNÁNDEZ-ALMEIDA, I., FLORES, J.A., SIERRO, F.J., GROSJEAN, M., FRANCÉS, G. & ALONSO, B. Coccolithophore potential for transfer-function development: Reconstructing sea surface salinity in the Western Mediterranean. Poster. Abstract.

XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies (XIX SIEBM), Porto (Portugal)

  • ANEIROS, F. MOREIRA, J. & TRONCOSO, J.S. Temporal variation of the free-living Isopoda (Crustacea: Peracarida) in two subtidal muddy bottoms of the Ría de Aldán (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula). Póster. Frontiers in Marine Science – DOI: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00121. Abstract.
  • ANEIROS, F., MOREIRA, J. & TRONCOSO, J.S. Temporal variation of the family Spionidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) in two subtidal muddy bottoms of the Ría de Aldán (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula). Comunicación Oral. Frontiers in Marine Science – DOI: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00058. Abstract
  • CASTILLO, S., RAMIL, F., MOHAMED, S., RAMOS, A. Contribution to the knowledge of prosobranchs of Mauritanian deep-waters (Northwest Africa). Abstract
  • DE MATOS, S. RAMIL, F. Deep water marine lobsters and lithodids (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Mauritania (NW Africa) collected by the Spanish Maurit surveys. Abstract.
  • DE MATOS-PITA, S., SAMPAIO, I., CASTILLO, S., FREIWALD, A. RAMIL, F. First record of the deep sea species Thesea talismani Grasshoff, 1986 (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Plexauridae) off Mauritania (NW Africa). Abstract
  • GIL, M., RAMIL, F. Hydrozoan diversity from Western Sahara and Atlantic coast of Morocco. Abstract
  • GIL, M., RAMIL, F. XIX. Hydroids from Guinean Bissau waters (north-west Africa). Abstract
  • HERRERA-RODRÍGUEZ, M., MACHO, G., WETHEY, D., VÁZQUEZ, E. Climate change implications on reproductive success: temperature effect on penis development and fertilization of the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides. Póster. Abstract
  • MARTÍNEZ, A., HERNÁNDEZ-OTERO, A., COSTOYA, N., GONZÁLEZ, M. and COSTAS, D. Growth, mortality and deformities evolution of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule L.): suspended culture vs. natural sandflat culture. Frontiers in Marine Science – doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00207. Póster. Abstract
  • MOREIRA, J., RUBAL, M. VEIGA, P. & TRONCOSO, J.S. Spatio-temporal distribution of leptostracans (Crustacea: Phyllocarida) at the Ensenada de Baiona (Galicia, NW Spain). Póster. Frontiers in Marine Science – DOI: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00120. Abstract
  • RUBAL, M. VEIGA, P., MOREIRA, J., SOUSA-PINTO, I. & TRONCOSO, J.S. Changes in the historical distribution of Littorina littorea (Linnaeus, 1758) along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Comunicación Oral. Frontiers in Marine Science – DOI: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00017 Abstract

9th European Conference on Echinoderms, Sopot (Poland)

  • CALERO, B., RAMIL, F., RAMOS, A. Biodiversity of echinoderms in Northwest Africa.

LI European Marine Biology Symposium, Rodas (Grecia)

  • BABARRO, J., VÁZQUEZ, E., OLABARRIA, C. Plastic traits of the invasive mussel Xenostrobus securis in response to the presence of the predatory dogwhelk Nucella lapillus. Póster.
  • DOMÍNGUEZ, R., OLABARRIA, A., MACHO, G., PETEIRO, L.G., WOODIN, S.A., WETHEY, D.S., VÁZQUEZ, E. Effect of decrease in salinity on the scope for growth of bivalves of commercial interest. Póster.
  • HERRERA-RODRÍGUEZ, M., MACHO, G., WETHEY, D., VÁZQUEZ, E. Temperature effects on penis development and fertilization of the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides in a climate change context. Póster.
  • MONTES, A., OLABARRIA, C., VÁZQUEZ, E. Reproductive cycle of the invasive species Xenostrobus securis outside its native range (Galician Rias Baixas, NW Iberian Peninsula. Póster.
  • PETEIRO, L.G., COSTAS, D., MARTÍNEZ, A., RODRIGUEZ, R., GONZÁLEZ, S., OLABARRIA, C., VÁZQUEZ, E. Salinity stress on Cerastoderma edule: comparing physiological responses of early-settlers and juveniles. Póster.

XXXII Trobades científiques de la Mediterrània, Menorca (España)

  • B. MOURIÑO-CARBALLIDO, P. CHOUCIÑO, B. FERNÁNDEZ, M. GIL COTO, P. MONTERO, V. MOREIRA-COELLO, E. NOGUEIRA, B. REGUERA, M. RUIZ, V. PELAYO, M. VILLAMAÑA. Occurrence of thin layers of phytoplankton in the Galician Rías. Comunicación oral.

Marine Tecnology Workshop- Martech, Barcelona (España)

  • REY, D.  RUBIO, B., BERNABEU A., VILAS, F., MOHAMED, K., OTERO, M. INNDAGA. An environmental data acquisition innovation platform. Oral communication.

ECSA 56 Coastal systems in transition: From a ‘natural’ to an anthropogenically-modified’ state, Bremen (Alemania)

  • ANGELI, J.L.F., RUBIO, B., RUBENS, C.L.F. Environmental changes reflected by sedimentary geochemistry in recent hundred years of the Caravelas estuary, Bahia, Brazil. Póster.

Campus do Mar International Science Conference, Vila Real (Portugal)

  • DOMÍNGUEZ, R., OLABARRIA, A., MACHO, G., PETEIRO, L.G., WOODIN, S.A., WETHEY, D.S., VÁZQUEZ, E. Effects of low salinities on the physiological and behavioural responses of four major intertidal bivalves. Póster.
  • PETEIRO, L.G., COSTAS, D., MARTÍNEZ, A., RODRIGUEZ, R., GONZÁLEZ, S., OLABARRIA, C., VÁZQUEZ, E. Salinity stress on Cerastoderma edule: comparing physiological responses of early-settlers and juveniles. Póster.
  • OLABARRIA, C., GESTOSO, I., LIMA, F.P., COMEAU, L.A., GOMES, F., SEABRA, R., BABARRO, J.M.F., VÁZQUEZ, E. Effects of a heat wave on physiological and behavioural responses of two mytilids. Póster.

The Seventh Symposium on Polar Science, Tokio (Japan)

  • LASTRA, M., LÓPEZ, J. TRONCOSO, J. Warming effects on biogeochemical cycling of algal wrack subsidies in Antarctic shores. Póster.
  • GONZÁLEZ-BALLESTEROS, N., RODRÍGUEZ-ARGÜELLES, M.C., RODRÍGUEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J.B., LASTRA, M., LÓPEZ, J., TRONCOSO, J.Green biosynthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles obtained from the Antarctic algae Palmaria decipiens and Desmarestia menziesii. Póster.