Next wednesday 1st of June at ECIMAT, David Wethey and Sarah Woodin, professors in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina, will present the conference entitled “Forecasting and hindcasting clam mortality in Galicia“.
David Wethey and Sarah Woodin are professors in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina. Their research on climate change is supported by NASA, the US National Science Foundation, and by MARISCO (“Bancos de marisqueo en Galicia: prevención de riesgos producidos por eventos extremos sobre especies comercialmente importantes”), a collaborative project coordinated by the University of Vigo, with Elsa Vázquez and Celia Olabarria as coordinators, and developed with the collaboration of the Universities of Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña, the “Consellería do Mar” (Xunta de Galicia) and the fisher´s guilds of Bueu, Redondela and Cambados.
They will talk about their participation in MARISCO – Forecasting and hindcasting clam mortality in Galicia. This project uses a combination of field and laboratory experiments, along with MeteoGalicia oceanographic and meteorological models to predict the mortality and sublethal effects of extreme low salinity events and heat waves on commercial clams in shellfish beds of Galicia.
This conference is included within the Café con Sal program (see complete program).