Between the 14th and the 16th of october 2014, ECIMAT held the first Workshop on Marine Evolutionary Genomics and Proteomics. A wide range of applications from several nationalities were received (Argentina, Croatia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom). Finally, 18 PhD students and 12 postdocs were selected to attend the workshop.
During the first day six keynotes were presented by relevant researchers. The most remarkable ones were those given by Stevan Springer (University of California San Diego), Nicolas Bierne (University of Montpellier) and Patrik Nosil (University of Sheffield), published in top journals like PLoS Genetics, Nature and Science. All presentations were recorded on video and can be accesible via Campus do Mar TV (
Attendants and invited speakers visited ECIMAT´s laboratories and highlighted the quality of the facilities and the beauty of the location. During the lunch break all the participants enjoyed a picnic at the forest area within the island, where the students and the speakers had the opportunity to interact and discuss.
The practical sessions on Approximate Bayesian Computation analyses and Next Generation Sequencing data analysis were held in the computer room at the Miralles’ building. These sessions will be also available at a later stage at the Campus do Mar TV website. The students were all very pleased with the quality of the lectures and emphasized Víctor’s patience (Víctor Soria-Carrasco, Univ. Sheffield). Due to the large number of students Víctor´s practical lectures were assisted by Stuart Dennis (Univ. Sheffield) and Anamaria Stambuk (Univ. Zagreb), which greatly improved the quality of the workshop. Coffee and lunch breaks were an important part of the workshop, as students had time to interact with other students working on similar topics and informally ask questions to the speakers.
The workshop was very succesful not only for the quality of the theorical and practical sessions but also for the nice atmosphere. For more information please visit the MEGP website