Job Offer in the Future Oceans Lab (CIM-UVigo)- Marine Protect Areas climate vulnerability assessments
Job offers
Contrato de investigación pre-doutoral no laboratorio de Física Ambiental do CIM-UVigo (Ephyslab)
PhD position in the Biological Oceanography Research Group and the Linnaeus University
Predoctoral Position (FPI) in the Animal Ecology Group (GEA)
Contrato de apoio á investigación no grupo de Oceanografía Biolóxica – proxecto TRIATLAS
Research technician position in marine biological resources at ECIMAT
PhD candidate for cryobiology
Research assistant for the processing and analysis of images
Job position for research support staff for the CIM-UVigo
PhD student position in marine ecosystems and/or policy
Oferta de praza de persoal investigador para o reforzo da liña de investigación “Explotación Sustentable dos Recursos Mariños”
Temporary position to support the research line of the CIM-UVigo “Sustainable exploitation of marine resources” – CIM-03-2019