Job Offer in the Future Oceans Lab (CIM-UVigo)- Marine Protect Areas climate vulnerability assessments

The Future Oceans Lab of  Marine Research Centre (CIM-UVIGO) is exited to publish a new position for a project researcher holding a Master’s degree with a background in Marine Ecosystems, management and stakeholder engagement.  Full job details can be found in the EURAXESS and in this PDF file.

The successful applicant will be in charge of the development of the project tasks related to the design and implementation of climate vulnerability assessments. He/she will be supported by the Principal Investigator (Elena Ojea) and the Interreg-MED project consortia (MPA-Engage). This is a highly multidisciplinary project to enhance the role of MPAs as nature-based solutions to climate change. The work of the candidate will be highly applied to the management Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and will require the design and development of methodological protocols, training of stakeholders in the field and continuous follow up of the tasks. MPA-Engage will develop a multi-level approach from an ecological, social and an economic perspective

We look forward to reading your applications! Interested candidates please send application materials, following the indications in the EURAXESS job offer (same as in this PDF), to