On Tuesday, July 21st, we resumed the “Café con Sal” conference cycle. Given the situation caused by COVID-19 and following the appropriate anti-contagion measures and the competent authority instructions, the conferences was hold virtually. The first speakers, Tania Ballesteros and Ana Tubío, researchers of the CIM-UVigo Coastal Ecology group (Ecocost), presented the conference on Management of fishery resources: biology of the sea cucumber and the sword razor clam in the Ría de Vigo and its application to fisheries management.
The speakers will present the most outstanding results for the fisheries management of two research projects financed by the Consellería del Mar (Xunta de Galicia): “Study of the spatial variability of the reproductive cycle of the sword razor clam (Ensis magnus) in the Ría de Vigo and its application to fisheries management” and “Study of the biology, population status and genetic diversity of holothuria (Holothuria forskali) in the Ría de Vigo”. Both projects, developed between 2017 and 2020, are part of the research actions led by the Marine Research Centre of the Xunta de Galicia (CIMA), that were carried out in collaboration with the CIM-UVigo Coastal Ecology group, the ECIMAT and ANFACO-CECOPESCA.
During the first conference, Tania Ballesteros (Ecocost, CIM-UVigo) presented the biology of the species Holothuria forskali in the Ría de Vigo ans some key results for the fishery management as the biometric measure that was most appropiate to carry out the fishery control, the temporal variability of the reproductive cycle in the Ría de Vigo, the size of first maturity and the growth of this species.
Next, Ana Tubío (Ecocost, CIM-UVigo) presented the final results of the project on the study of the spatio-temporal variability of the razor clam reproductive cycle, as well as the size of first maturity. Moreover, she presented the platform developed within the framework of this project, “Navalleando”, created to adopt rapid management measures taking into account the variability of the razor clam reproductive cycle.
The conference was hold at 11.00 h virtually, being live streamed through the Remote Campus of the University of Vigo, specifically through the Virtual Room of the Main Auditorium of the Conference Centre. The report is available at the next links.
- Ana Tubío and Tania Ballesteros presentation Alba Hernández, CIM-UVigo
- Gestión de recursos pesqueros: Biología del pepino de mar en la Ría de Vigo y su aplicación a la gestión pesquera Tania Ballesteros Otero, Ecocost, CIM-UVigo
- Gestión de recursos pesqueros: Biología de la navaja en la Ría de Vigo y su aplicación a la gestión pesquera Ana Tubío Gómez, Ecocost, CIM-UVigo
- Turno de preguntas Tania Ballesteros Otero & Ana Tubío Gómez, Ecocost, CIM-UVigo