The Marine Research Centre of the Universidade de Vigo (CIM-UVigo), coordinator of the “European Blue Biobank” (EBB) project is organizing, together with the CETMAR Foundation, a technical workshop to raise awareness of the existing obligations to access and use genetic resources derived from the Nagoya Protocol (2010) and associated regulations.
The Nagoya Protocol, signed by 92 countries including Spain, aims at a fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources. In Spain, the Protocol is translated into the ByLaw 124/2017, which regulates the access and use of genetic resources from wild taxa. In Galicia, the Law 5/2019 on natural heritage and biodiversity, reflects basic aspects for the application of the rule in this territory and the obligation of communication of the territorial administration to the national focal point.
The implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and associated legislation is complex and involves an administrative burden which most users of these resources are unfamiliar with. The conference aims to inform attendees about the obligations and requirements established in this legislation, as well as to present and analyze examples of commercial and non-commercial use of marine resources within the scope of the Protocol. Finally, the Best Practice Guidelines for accessing genetic resources developed within the framework of the EBB project will be presented.
Noelia Vallejo Pedregal, Spanish National Focal Point for the Nagoya Protocol, from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Alejandro Lago, responsible of the UNDP-GEF ABS Global project and Fiz da Costa, researcher from the CIM-UVigo and the responsible of the EBB project, will participate in this event.
The conference will take place at the CETMAR facilities in Vigo on the 14th February 2020 from 11:00 to 14:30 h. Attendance is free, but registration is required. The agenda of this workshop will soon be available at the same link provided for registration.
If you are interested in attending, you can register at the following link:
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- Welcome and presentation of the session Paloma Rueda, Director of the CETMAR
- Welcome and presentation of the session Belén Martín, Responsible of the ECIMAT-UVigo at the European Network of Marine Biology Stations (EMBRC-ERIC)
- The Nagoya protocol in the context of the protection of the global biodiversity Alejandro Lago United Nations Development Programme, Global Financial Instrument, United Nations
- Questions. The Nagoya protocol in the context of the protection of the global biodiversity. Alejandro Lago United Nations Development Programme, Global Financial Instrument, United Nations
- Spanish legislative framework and consultation processes Noelia Vallejo National Focal Point for the Nagoya Protocol. Head of Conservation Strategies and Plans Area. Gral. Subdir. of the Biodiversity and Natural environment, MITECO
- Project EBB: Case studies and Good Practice Guide Fiz da Costa Project Manager EBB, Marine Research Centre, Universidade de Vigo
- Introduction to the round table: discussion between representatives of administrations, industry and research centres Moderator Rosa Fernández Otero Coordinator of the area of promotion and technology transfer, CETMAR
- Round table: debate between representatives of administrations, industry and research centres. Representative of the scientific field. Ángel F. González González Head of the Ecology and Marine Resources Department at Marine Research Institute, CSIC
- Round table: debate between representatives of administrations, industry and research centres. Representative of the administration Elsa Gago Head of the biodiversity service of the "Dirección Xeral" of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Xunta de Galicia
- Round table: debate between representatives of administrations, industry and research centres. Business representative Carlos Padilla Martinez Head of microalgae laboratory, BIOMAR MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGIES
- Questions and debate between representatives of administrations, industry and research centres
- Conclusions and Closing Remarks Rosa Fernández Otero Coordinator of the area of promotion and technology transfer, CETMAR