Understanding community dynamics between species and habitats: Two projects – one goal

Tuesday October 20th, Catarina Alves and Marisa Gomes, predoctoral researchers of the Ecosystems and Global Change research group of the CBMA – University of Minho, will present the lecture Understanding community dynamics between species and habitats: Two projects – one goal, at the “Café con Sal” conference cycle.

The consequences of biodiversity loss and changes in community structure remain difficult to predict, given the complexity of interactions among species and the context-dependency of their functional roles within ecosystems. The aim of the projects developed by the researchers Catarina Alves and Marisa Gomes,  supervised by Pedro Gomes (University of Miño) and Jesus Troncoso (Ecocost, CIM-UVigo), is to better understand the influence of different habitat conditions in the benthic, benthopelagic and demersal communities, and to develop a characterization of its composition and dynamics. Exploring the functional and structural aspects of these communities in subtidal environments provides the perfect opportunity to enhance the comprehension of their distribution patterns and their dynamics within the ecosystem.

The predoctoral researchers will examine the evolution of the benthic communities through the analysis of the colonization process and thoroughly analyse patterns like the distribution of traits within the ecosystem. The work presented is part of Catarina and Marisa PhD’s, under the PhD program DO*MAR. The presented projects are financed by the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PD/BD/150365/2019) and by the projects NextSea (ref. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032) and Atlantida (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000040).

Throughout this presentation, the speakers will explain how these projects are being implemented at the CIM facilities and what are the challenges ahead.

The conference will be held virtually, being live streaming through the Remote Campus of the University of Vigo. To Access please follow the instructions bellow:

  1. Press the virtual room URL https://campusremotouvigo.gal/access/public/meeting/928607699
  2. Access as student with the next password: 6rAsLWyz
  3. Select the microphone access mode and silent it until the question time

The conference will be permanetly available at CIM and UVigoTV websites.
