Tuesday May 21th, María Oliviero and Simona Schiavo, researchers in Ecotoxicology at ENEA – Portici Research Centre (Italy), presented at the “Café con Sal” conference cycle, the lecture “Toxic effects of microplastics in marine environment“.
The annual global production of plastic is around 300 million tones and, the consequent plastic disposal represents a real worry for environment. In particular, marine plastic pollution has been identified as a global problem and, to date, microplastics are ubiquitous into the marine environment: from sea surface to sediments. In this view, in the context of ASSEMBLE Plus, GECOPLAST project aims to evaluate the ecotoxicity and genotoxicity of microplastics and their additives on marine larvae.
During the conference the speakers summarized the impact that microplastics have in the marine environment, focusing on the ecotoxic and genotoxic effects of plastic and their additives upon planktonic marine larvae and how this impact could affect the higher trophic level.
GECOPLAST project, lasting one month, is being carried out at the ECIMAT (UVigo), being supervised by Professor Ricardo Beiras.
The conference took place at the conference room of the ECIMAT at 11:00h (CES), was be live streamed on http://tv.uvigo.es/es/directo/1.html and will be permanently available on CIM.UVigo and UVigoTV websites.
- Presentation of María Oliviero and Simona Schiavo Alba Hernández - ECIMAT. CIM-UVigo
- Conference: Toxic effects of microplastics in marine environment María Oliviero and Simona Schiavo, Portici Research Centre (Italy)
- Question time María Oliviero and Simona Schiavo, Portici Research Centre (Italy)