Marine Stations: 20000 leagues under the sea since the XIXth century into the “Blue Growth”

Thursday 30th January the X edition of the cycle of conferences “Café con Sal” kicks off at 11:00 at the ECIMAT.

Ibon Cancio, Associate Professor in Cell Biology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Researcher of the Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology (CBET) research group and the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE) will be our speaker. In this important inaugural act, this collaborator of ECIMAT will review the history of marine stations with the conference entitled Marine Stations: 20000 leagues under the sea since the XIXth century into the “Blue Growth”.

The sea is not our natural habitat and during most of our history, it has been the passage, or the void, in between lands. Organisms that inhabit the oceans were unknown for a long period. In the XIXth century, we started to develop skills and special infrastructures such as vessels and shelter places on the seashores that helped us to study the marine biodiversity.

Marine biological stations were created to shelter travelling scientists; they were resting sites that offer equipment, protection, experience assistance and background knowledge to visitors. In these 175 years-long journey since the first station opened in Ostend (Belgium), oceans have provided useful resources and avenues to conduct basic science in fields such as biomedical research through the utilization of marine model organisms. With the onset of fisheries research, nations began to invest in science creating in the late XIXs their firsts national research programs and funding schemes. Basic biological research on fisheries also triggered transnational collaborative research, building upon the spirit that made possible the international analysis of the biosamples collection of the Challenger expedition.

All this occurred because, as Ibon Cancio will remind us, “Knowledge is Power”, and research is not an expenditure but an investment. Now, in the XXIst century, as the development of “Blue Biotechnology” holds the promise to contribute to the socioeconomic development of maritime regions and “Blue Growth”, biological stations continue to provide us with tools to achieve that “Power”, and the ECIMAT, PiE UPV/EHU and EMBRC-ERIC, are proofs of that.

The conference will be hold at the ECIMAT conference room, will be broadcasted live at and will be available at UVigoTV and CIM-UVigo websites.


