The project “Peiraos do Solpor”, launched by the Porto of Vigo and the Coastal Ecology group of the Marine Research Center of the University of Vigo, was awarded on June 24th by the International Association of Ports (IAPH) with the call “ Óscar Verde ”, award of the World Program of Sustainable Ports. As Faro de Vigo explained, the project won in the category of “Dialogue with the community and port city” to the 45 applications submitted and, already in the final phase, a consortium of the USA and Canada and a South Korean terminal.
Through the installation of artificial reefs and the creation of a marine observatory for the public in the docks of A Laxe and Bouzas, this project aims to recover the good state of marine ecosystems in the area, improve the growth of its own plant and animal species of the area, reduce the carbon footprint by capturing CO2 and promote awareness of the importance of conserving the ecosystems of the port area.
This award is added to the other international distinctions under the Puerto Verde plan and the Blue Growth strategy.
The Ecocost´s (CIM-UVigo) activities are cofunded by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Program Galicia 2014-2020.
See complete information in Faro de Vigo