The role of phytoplankton in climate change: How much does our fate depend on these microorganisms?

On June 23rd at 18 h continues the participation of the Marine Research Centre in the project ‘Month of the medium and Oceans’, organized by Afundación, ABANCA social work, on the occasion of the celebration of Environment Day, 5th June, and Ocean Day, June 8th.

Luis Paulo Alcaraz Rocha, predoutoral researcher of the Biological Oceanography Group, will delve into this talk, open to the family, the role of phytoplankton in climate change and will explain how the fate of living beings depends on these microorganisms.

During the conference Luis Paulo will explain in a simple way how global and climate change are realities definitively installed between us, no longer as possible problems of the distant future, but as a reality to which we have to adapt and a challenge to what we have to respond. The researcher will delve into the role of microalgae (phytoplankton) in this process of climate change and global change, showing how microalgae play a very important role in producing around 50% of the world’s oxygen through the photosynthesis process.

The talk will be broadcast through #AfundacionEnCasa and Campus do Mar channnels.
