«I want to be a researcher», a project to make current scientists visible

The Unit of Scientific Culture and Innovation of the University of Vigo presented at the commemoration of International Women’s Day one of his latest projects: the publication “I want to be a researcher.” There are ten short stories, as a tale, through which the experience and experiences of ten scientists who believe on doing what they like and, for collaborating in the progress of society working from the University of Vigo are disseminated.

The main objective is to value and make visible contemporary scientific women, pioneers in many cases, and to awaken the research vocation among the children, with female figures of their environment as a reference. This is because, in recent years, the visibility of women is being influenced in the scientific field to encourage their participation in this area as part of a strategy that aims to favor a more just and equal world where women have a presence in the areas of primary knowledge in the coming years. However, in these cases, reference is always made to highly talented women such as Marie Curie, Jane Godwall, Ada Lovelace etc., who are not peers of children and who, even, are very distant, geographically speaking, from them.

From the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, this project was intended to break molds, betting on offering new generations examples of current researchers and that are much closer to what is normally thought. This is Julia Armesto González, Lola Dopico Aneiros, Francisca Fariña Rivera, Ana Garriga Domínguez, María Lodazales Fernández, Elena Ojea Fernández Colmeiro, Lorena Otero Cerdeira, María Concepción Paz Penín, Elena Sánchez Trigo and Diana Valverde Pérez.

The purpose is that children know these people and, for that, it will be distributed in secondary schools throughout Galicia in collaboration with the Vice-Rector’s Office for Student, Student and University Extension. In addition, it will be available on the website of the university and will be accompanied by a simple teaching unit that will facilitate the work with this tool in class.

The purpose is that children know these people and, for that, it will be distributed in secondary schools throughout Galicia in collaboration with the Vice-rectory Office for Student, Student and University Extension. In addition, it will be available on the website of the university and will be accompanied by a simple teaching unit that will facilitate the work with this tool in class.

Elena Ojea, researcher of the Future Oceans Lab do CIM-UVigo.

Know the protagonists of “I want to be a researcher”

Source: Scientific Culture Unit of the University of Vigo