Thursday 27th of September, Alberto Gutiérrez, phD student from the University of Vigo, presented the conference “Response of bacterioplankton to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment in a dynamic coastal system: Ría de Vigo”.
The doctoral dissertation of Alberto Gutiérrez, directed by Emilio Fernández and Eva Teira (Biological Oceanography research group) and titled “ Effect of increasing nutrient inputs on the community structure of prokaryotic plankton using sequencing techniques” aims to identify the prokaryotic planktonic taxa which respond to variations in nutrients linked to atmospheric and continental inputs in coastal eutrophic systems in different seasons and to create a predictive model which will allow us to infer which species will respond to foreseeable increases in nutrients. The results obtained will be useful for inferring alterations in the trophic structure and its ecological function. The experiments were funded by REIMAGE and ENVISION projects. During the conference Alberto Gutiérrez presented the methods and results done so far.
The conference took place at the conference room of the ECIMAT at 11:00h (CEST) and was live streamed on being available on the next links.