12th April, Fritz Kleinhans, Associate Professor of Physics, Emeritus from Indiana University -Purdue University, USA, inaugurated the VIII edition of the cycle of conferences “Café con Sal” with the conference “New Approaches to Cryopreservation: Ultra Rapid Warming“, Dr. Fritz.
Dr. Kleinhnas’ research is a collaborative effort with a number of biologists and cryobiologists. He specializes in membrane biophysics and ultra rapid laser warming of cryo specimens, with recent work on several species including coral larvae, zebrafish embryos, and other marine species of aquaculture interest. This research has been funded by the NIH, NSF, USDA, Smithsonian, and Cawthron Institute among others, and it has led to over 50 refereed publications to date.
During the conference, Fritz introduced the revolutionary novel technique which uses laser to convey heat to biological material which has been previously cryopreserved, which is nowadays at the ECIMAT.
The conference took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Marine Sciences of the University of Vigo at 11:00. It was broadcast live at http://tv.uvigo.es/es/directo/1.html. and is now available at UVigoTV website.