The CIM, at the forefront of securing new funding for groups and researchers with an excellent track record

The University of Vigo has achieved over 5 million euros this year from the funding call for the consolidation and structuring of competitive research units and other promotion actions in the universities of the Galician University System (SUG) and other entities within the Galician R&D&I system, organised by the Xunta de Galicia. These grants, announced through the Department of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities, are divided into three categories: competitive reference groups, groups with growth potential, and researchers with an excellent track record. Depending on their publications, patents, directed theses, and projects achieved in the last three years, as well as their accumulated prestige, the different groups and researchers applied for various financial support ranging from 90,000 to 400,000 euros.

Most of the funded groups from UVigo are linked to their research centres and institutes, which, according to the Vice-Rector for Research, Transfer and Innovation, Belén Rubio, “demonstrates their strength and excellence.” For example, the Population Genetics and Cytogenetics group led by Professor Armando Caballero, affiliated with the Marine Research Centre at the University of Vigo, received 280,000 euros in the Competitive Reference Groups category.She also added that “our methodology can be applied in any marine setting. In fact, it has just been applied in a giant marine protected area that OSPAR has located in the middle of the North Atlantic, between Iceland and the Azores, called by the acronym NACES. Along our Atlantic coasts, this methodology could be applied to better understand the positive impact that marine protected areas may have on different species or social groups, such as certain fishing groups or even the tourism sector”.

This excellence is also reflected in the funding for personnel with an excellent track record, which was awarded to CIM researchers Estefanía Paredes and Marta Costas.

The research activity of the CIM is co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union, through the European Funds (FEDER).

Source: DUVI