CIM-UVigo staff presents their research at the Galicia Marine Sciences Program assembly

Persoal do CIM-UVigo presenta as súas investigacións na asemblea do Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia

36 reports grouped in five panels were developed by experts from ten institutions

The fourth assembly of the Marine Sciences Program of Galicia was held this wednesday in the City of Culture of Santiago de Compostela, bringing together over 170 researchers. The event presented the progress of the program, including results and knowledge generated by 14 participating institutions and research centers.Among the participants are representatives from Marine Research Center (CIM) of the University of Vigo including  the vice-chancellor of Research, Transfer and Innovation, Belén Rubio, and the center’s director, Daniel Rey. Notably, six presentations were given by CIM research staff.

Three thematic axes

The assembly was structured into three thematic blocks and five panels featuring 36 speakers. These speakers were affiliated with various institutions including the universities of Vigo, Santiago, and A Coruña, MeteoGalicia, IEO-CSIC in A Coruña and Vigo, IIM-CSIC, Intecmar, Cetmar, and Cesga. The 17 main interventions were organized around three thematic axes: knowledge as a lever for the sustainable management of the environment, social transformation and resilience in the coastal environment; research and innovation for fisheries management and sustainable and intelligent aquaculture production; and the integrated strategy of marine observation and monitoring in Galicia.

Additionally, 19 short talks by young researchers from the organizations involved in the program, presenting advancements in innovative tools for marine observation, marine resources management , and new models for aquaculture production.

On behalf of the CIM-UVigo, Haritz Ayarza presented a study on the vulnerability of the coast to climate change and a climate risk analysis of fishing gear groups in Galicia in Block 1. In Block 2, professor Armando Caballero presented a paper on the estimation of the effective population census and inbreeding depression, while researcher Beatriz Luego analysised the spatial variation of bivalves recruitment  in commercial the shellfish banks in the lower estuaries . Professors Jesús Míguez Miramontes and Carlos Andrés Ramírez presented new tools to measure and monitor stress physiology in the intensive culture of turbot, whilst Professor José Luis Soengas moderated the panel. In Block 3, professor Ricardo Beiras discussed  the automation of the reading of the ecotoxicological bioassay of the sea urchin embryo (SET) and the researcher Alexandre M. Schönemann, presented the development of a tool for the in vivo detection of the potential endocrine disruptor of substances of very high concern (HCV) for the marine environment.

Transform and improve the resilience of Galician do Mar

The Marine Sciences Program of Galicia with a budget of ten million euros, is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Next Generation EU Program (60%), and the Consellería do Mar, Xunta de Galicia, to through the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (Fempa, 40%). The aim is to transform and improve the resilience of Galicia from the sea, coordinating and promoting research, technological development and dialogue between the scientific and innovation sector and Galician society. The program aims to transform and improve the resilience of Galicia from the sea, fostering collaboration between the scientific community and Galician society, and promoting research and technological development.

Coordinated by the IIM-CSIC, the Sea Technology Center-Fundación Cetmar, and the Marine Research Center of the University of Vigo (CIM), the program includes participation of Cima, Igafa , MeteoGalicia,  IEO-CSIC, Intecmar, Cesga, USC and UdC.

External committee

This assembly also introduced the external expert committee, an independent advisory body providing strategic support and quality evaluation for the program. The committee members include Arantza Murillas (AZTI), Eva García (University of Oviedo), Dolors Furones (IRTA), Juanjo Dañobeitia (Cmima-CSIC), and Xabier Irigoien (NEOM, Saudi Arabia).

Source: DUVI