Researchers from CIM participate in the eXXperimenta en Feminino fair to bring the magic of science to students and families

Investigadoras do CIM participan na feira eXXperimenta en Feminino para achegar a maxia da ciencia a escolares e familias

The Ourense campus celebrated the seventh edition of the fair

The Ourense campus hosted a new edition, the seventh, of the scientific and outreach fair eXXperimenta en Feminino. In it, researchers EPhysLab group from the Marine Research Center (CIM) joined a large group of over fifty researchers from UVigo from different disciplines who approached more than 300 students and families with the aim of discovering together “the magic of science”, in a playful way and with special emphasis on giving prominence to women scientists.

The fair brings together a wide range of researchers every year with the aim of highlighting the role of women in the STEM field (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and attracting scientific vocations to it, mainly among girls. At the start of the fair, Professor Alma Gómez, coordinator of the activity along with Julia Carballo and Nieves Lorenzo, highlighted the “great involvement” of campus researchers in this initiative and their commitment to the goals of eXXperimenta en Feminino.

Emerging in 2018, the activity is organized on the occasion of February 11, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. During the event, visitors were able to enjoy visually and manipulatively scientific activities that exposed aspects related to research carried out in the different STEM areas of the campus. Through various experiments, throughout their journey, boys, girls, and families were able to see water microorganisms, discover the value of biomass, create a rainbow, and learn how clouds and tornadoes form, as well as the fight against the Asian hornet. They also had the opportunity to see a simulation in a wind tunnel, create small video games, learn first aid, and learn about how waste can have a second life, as well as the beauty and power of enzymes. Other activities allowed them to see the recreation of the sinking and explosion of the ship Casón, participate in an ‘escape room’ to learn the concepts of refinery and biorefinery, and participate in a practical workshop on food labeling, familiarizing themselves with the identification of content in sugars, fats, salt, and stimulants hidden in processed foods such as energy drinks or sweets.

Source: DUVI