On this occasion, in addition to ensuring basic funding, a percentage of indirect cost recovery is provided to the center
The University of Vigo continues to enhance support for its three research centers recognized by the Government of Galicia as unique centers: the Marine Research Center, CIM; the Telecommunications Technology Research Center, atlanTTic; and the Nanomaterials and Biomedicine Research Center, CINBIO. This was done through the signing of Program Contracts that, in addition to ensuring basic funding, provide these centers with a percentage of indirect cost recovery with the aim of maintaining and elevating their level of excellence.
The signing of these Program Contracts took place this Monday in the office of the rector, Manuel Reigosa, and was attended by the head of CIM, Daniel Rey, along with those from atlanTTic, Martín Llamas, and CINBIO, Miguel Ángel Correa.
The Network of Research Centers of the Galician University System (CIGUS) is comprised of eight leading university research centers: CiQUS, CiMUS, CiTIUS, and Igfae from the University of Santiago de Compostela; atlanTTic, CINBIO, and CIM from the University of Vigo (UVigo); and CiTIC from the University of A Coruña (UDC).