University of Vigo, among the top 200 in the world in Oceanography

A Universidade de Vigo, entre as 200 mellores do mundo en Oceanografía no ranking de Shangai

Thanks to the work of the Marine Research Center (CIM)

The Vice-Rector for Research, Belén Rubio, emphasizes that the grouping of scientists in research centers enhances the research level and talent acquisition

University of Vigo is once again among the top 600 universities in the world. The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), better known as the Shanghai ranking, places UVigo in the range of 501-600 best academic institutions, the first in the University System of Galicia and among the top 14 in Spain. This ranking is exceeded in the field of Oceanography, where UVigo is among the top 151-200 globally.

The Vice-Rector for Research, Transfer, and Innovation, Belén Rubio, highlights the case of the Marine Research Center (CIM) as an example that “the grouping of researchers in research centers enhances the research level and talent acquisition”. “We hope that the installation in the buildings of the ETEA of the CIM will help enhance synergies with the CSIC and other marine institutions and continue to grow”.

The ARWU ranking, led this year by Harvard University, Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, uses six indicators to classify the world’s universities, including the number of highly cited researchers selected by Clarivate and the number of articles indexed in Web of Science. Given UVigo’s good results this year, Belén Rubio points out that “two aspects are key: talent acquisition and the focus of talent in research centers or institutes. If we have relevant centers, this will help attract more talent”.