2014 call for proposals of collaborative research activities of the Estrategic Cluster Oceanography-ECIMAT


At the Annual Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Strategic Cluster Oceanography-ECIMAT, which took place on February 20th, 2014, the call for development of research activities in the Strategic Cluster Oceanography-ECIMAT (2014) was adopted. These are:


– Call for the development of collaborative research activities among members of the Strategic Cluster Oceanography-ECIMAT. Call and application form


– Call for conference attendance for members of the Strategic Cluster Oceanography-ECIMAT. Call and application form. Below are found several links  with different logos of the Strategic Cluster Oceanography-ECIMAT and ECIMAT: AEOECIMAT, EcimatHorizontal, ECIMATtransp, ecimatTranspHoriz, ecimatuvigo, ecimatuvigotransp, ecimatVertical.


Final decision concerning the financing of collaborative research activities of the strategic cluster Oceanography-ECIMAT. Final Decision


