The declaration of the state of alarm in May paralyzed practically all university activity. Among the many events that were put on hold was the Café con Sal conference cycle, the pioneering proposal for scientific dissemination launched by the Toralla Marine Science Station just ten years ago. Now, after these months covid-19 pandemic shutdown, the tenth edition of the cycle is resumed to complete its programming online until the end of the year.
The first appointment, which was scheduled for Tuesday July 21st, had to be suspended at the last minute due to technical problems but it will be available in the near future on the CIM_UVigo website and in the UVigoTV repository.
The report focuses on the management of fishery resources, specifically on the biology of sea cucumbers and razor clams in the Vigo estuary and their application in fisheries management, by researchers Tania Ballesteros and Ana Tubío, from the Coastal Ecology group of the CIM-UVigo.
Back in september
The cycle will take a summer break and will return with the beginning of the new 2020-2021 academic year by the hand of Alexandre M. Schonemann, scientist from the Coastal Ecology group of the CIM-UVigo, who on September 15th will address the effects of additives plastics in marine fish, bringing a proteomic approach. On September 22 nd, it will be the turn of Pablo Sánchez, researcher of the University of Alicante. He will speak about marine aquaculture processes in a conference entitled Raising fish in the sea: what happens when they escape?
The month of October will include two sessions, the first of them on the 6th, with Ángel Pérez Diz, researcher at the Population Genetics and Cytogenetic group, CIM-Uvigo. He will talk about the biparental inheritance of mtDNA in humans and will focus on what can bring research on mussels. The second appointment of the month will arrive on the 20th, with a session of three reports: The role of Zostera meadows in the distribution of demersal and benthopelagic marine animals, which will be given by Marisa Gomes, from the Center of Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA), from the University of Minho; The influence of habitat conditions on key ecological processes fuere marine benthic fauna by Catarina Alves, CBMA, Universidad de Minho and Monitoring macrozoobenthic communities: Artificial Substrates colonization assessment using DNA metabarcoding approaches, with Bárbara Leite, CBMA, Universidad de Minho.
Already in November, on the 3rd, Carlos Canchaya, from the Comparative Genomics group of the CIM-UVigo, will speak about the genomics of the mussel and its microbiota, while on the 17th it will be the turn of Ana Bernabeu, from the Marine and Environmental Geology group, CIM-Uvigo to delve into Open science, a new way of conceiving research work and the dissemination of results. The cycle will close on December with two speechs. On December 1st, Carlos Bendicho, from the CIM-UVigo Analytical and Food Chemistry group, will address miniaturized and ecological analytical systems to detect chemical species in the marine environment. This tenth edition of the Café con Sal will close on December 15th with Cristina Fernández, from the Biological Oceanography group of the CIM-UVigo, with a conference entitled Size matters, at least speaking of phytoplankton.
All sessions can be followed virtually through the Remote Campus from 11.00 a.m. to 11.40 a.m.