O Talent Retention Programme of the University of Vigo will this year allow Noela Belén Sánchez Carnero to continue her work at the Marine Research Centre (CIM). This recognition was awarded alongside four other female researchers and two male María Zambrano researchers at UVigo, who, according to Vice-Rector for Research, Transfer, and Innovation, Belén Rubio, “have demonstrated an excellent research level and, thanks to this initiative, can continue their careers within their groups”.
The Vice-Rector advocates for the continuation of a programme maintained by only a few Spanish universities, which, in her view, provides continuity for postdoctoral researchers until they can access more competitive opportunities such as the Ramón y Cajal programme or achieve permanent positions at the University.
For CIM researcher Noela Sánchez, the news of being selected for the Talent Retention Programme coincided closely with her success in securing one of the consolidation positions offered by the Spanish State Research Agency. As a result, she intends to decline the UVigo funding in the coming days so it can benefit another researcher.
A member of the Earth Physics group, Gofuvi, Sánchez’s research focuses on the use of broadband acoustic probes to study the seabed, particularly in mapping bivalve beds, which are critical resources in Galicia’s estuaries. “With the research line we are developing, in collaboration with researchers from UNED, the University of A Coruña, and CONICET in Argentina, we aim to fully exploit the new possibilities offered by this technology and publish the developed methods as open-source tools to support their dissemination and use”, the researcher emphasises.
The research activity of the CIM is co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union, through the European Funds (FEDER).
Source: DUVI