CIM researcher Celestino Quintela brings science to the bars as part of the international festival Pint of Science

O científico participa coa charla 'De pinturas, volcáns e árbores' nesta serie de charlas en locais de Vigo e Ourense 

The scientist will be giving a talk titled ‘Of paintings, volcanoes, and trees’ in this series of talks in venues in Vigo and Ourense

The International Science Communication Festival Pint of Science returns next week, and in this new edition, it will be present in 500 cities across 25 countries, including 67 cities in Spain such as Ourense and Vigo. This will be the ninth time this science communication initiative is held in Spain, proposing bars, pubs, and cafés as meeting points between scientists and the general public. The event will take place on May 13th, 14th, and 15th, allowing attendees to learn about research lines and projects in various areas, explained by scientific staff using understandable and approachable language. A total of 19 researchers from these campuses, along with other experts from other universities and entities, will participate in the cities of Vigo and Ourense.

Twelve talks in two bars in Vigo

In Vigo, there will be a total of twelve talks on six different themes, including one by researcher Celestino Quintela from the Marine Research Center of the University of Vigo, who will participate with a talk titled ‘Of paintings, volcanoes, and trees’.

The talks are free and open to the public, subject to capacity, and will take place on May 13th, 14th, and 15th starting at 8:00 PM at the Cañaveral bar, located at Portal do Sol, 6, and at the El Castro bar, on Paseo de Alfonso XII, 2. In addition to talks, the Pint of Science Vigo program will include contests such as the Scientific Trivial and giveaways with gifts for the attending public. All information about the talks and activities is available on the event’s website.

Source: DUVI