Great success of the A ciencia que vén ten nome de muller fair with the participation of CIM-UVigo


The research staff of the UVigo Marine Research Centre once again brought their work to society in a playful and participatory way

For the second consecutive year, the Berbés square became the epicentre of scientific dissemination. With the double objective of promoting scientific and technological vocations among the youngest children and to inform society about the work carried out by its research staff, especially women, the CIM-UVigo once again took science to the streets by participating in a new edition of the expo-fair ‘A ciencia que vén ten nome de muller’.

The activities began with a visit by 5th and 6th grade students from the CEIP García Barbón from Vigo, in which around 60 schoolchildren were able to get closer to the secrets of the sea in the tents set up in the Berbés square.

In the afternoon, the public enjoyed, defying the rain, the workshops ‘A importancia das algas microscópicas mariñas’, ‘Os segredos do mar profundo’ and ‘Relaciónate!’ proposed by the Oceanografía Biolóxica, Bioloxía Ambiental and Ecoloxía Costeira CIM-UVigo’s groups. In this way, the public could observe microalgae through a microscope, discover a sample of the most representative and surprising local fauna of the seabed or carry out experiments to approach the work that researchers carry out in areas such as the ecology of shellfish resources and ecotoxicology.

The research activity of the CIM is supported by the Xunta de Galicia and the European Union, through its co-financing under the Galicia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Source: DUVI