CIM researches participate in the # AfundacionEnCasa training program


The pollution of the estuaries, climate change or the sea cucumber are some of the topics on which the researchers from the Marine Research Centre will approach in the training program #AfundacionEnCasa.

As they explain from the Campus del Mar, it is a “collaboration with ABANCA social work through the initiative # AfundacionEnCasa”, through which throughout the month of June and also on the occasion of World Oceans Day, “Three researchers from the Marine Research Centre are going to be the speakers of three conferences focused on different marine themes in order to make the research reach the whole family.” The speechs, which will take place on June 9th, 23rd and 30th, will be broadcast in streaming through the Afundación channel. Three other conferences will take place in autumn.

Three sessions, three themes

The participation of the CIM-UVigo in the # AfundacionEnCasa program begings on June 9th at 18:00 by Alberto Gutiérrez Barral, predoctoral researcher of the CIM Biological Oceanography Group, with an informative talk on the contamination of estuaries and the foreseeable increase in pathogens.

On June 23rd, it will be the turn of Luis Paulo Alcaraz Rocha, also a predoctoral researcher of the Biological Oceanography Group, who will delve into the role of phytoplankton in climate change and he will explain how the fate of living beings depends on these microorganisms. The time of this conference is yet to be determined.

The last speech before summer will be on June 30th with Tania Ballesteros, researcher of the Coastal Ecology group, who will talk about the characteristics of the sea cucumber and its role in the oceans.

The talks will be broadcast through this channel: which will also be available on the Campus do Mar website. After the summer, this initiative will be resumed with another three conferences.

The CIM-UVigo research and outreach activities are cofunded by the European Union through the ERDF Operational Program Galicia 2014-2020.

Source: DUVI