On November 29, the event “Technologies and innovative solutions to face the environmental challenges of the canning industry” will be held in Vigo, organized by Cetaqua, the Galician Center for Water Research Foundation and ANFACO CECOPESCA.
This event aims to bring together professionals and entities related to the management of effluents from the fish processing industry at national and local level to analyze the current situation in this area and discuss possible solutions that allow more sustainable management. Environmental challenges of the canning sector, financing programs for the food industry, success cases of different companies, as well as innovative technologies for industrial water treatment and resource recovery will be presented. Finally, a round table will be held to discuss the environmental barriers and opportunities of the canning industry.
The day is aimed at the canning industry, fish processing industry, food industry, technology centers, universities and public institutions.
This event is part of the LIFE SEACAN project, which aims to demonstrate the potential of two technologies based on biofilm processes (aerobic granular sludge and hybrid bioreactors) that are being applied to reduce the impact of industrial activity on ecosystems. marine The progress of the project as well as the results obtained will be presented during the day.
Check the agenda of the event: agenda
The capacity is limited so it is necessary to register: https://goo.gl/forms/NuNKyo4YWXKm3ozK2
For more information