Between the 26th and 27th of October 2016, the University of Vigo will held the I International Symposium on Advances in Marine Mussel Research (AMMR2016). This symposium aims to highlight the latest research on marine mussels (Mytilus spp.) from a multidisciplinary perspective, including studies from the fields of genomics, proteomics, immunology, physiology, ecology and aquaculture among others. Marine mussels represent an excellent study system in evolutionary biology, ecology, ecotoxicology, climate change and more importantly, they are a key species in aquaculture, being commercialized worldwide.
On Wednesday 26th, the program will include 7 talks from invited speakers and 5 short communications, previously selected among the submitted abstracts from the participants. At the end of the program there will be a poster session. On Thursday 27th there will be a visit to Cíes Islands by ferry for those participants that are interested, this activity is optional. Registration to the symposium is FREE and includes coffee breaks. The visit to Cíes Islands is optional and costs 20€. The application deadline is 20 October. The registration form and more information about the symposium are available at
Invited Speakers:
Nicolas BIERNE, University of Montpellier (France)
Carlos CANCHAYA, University of Vigo (Spain)
Ibon CANCIO, University of the Basque Country (Spain)
Antonio FIGUERAS, IIM CSIC (Spain)
Beatriz NOVOA, IIM CSIC (Spain)
David SKIBINSKI, Swansea University (UK)
Antonio VILLALBA, CIMA – Xunta de Galicia (Spain)
Ángel Pérez Diz, Juan Galindo, Armando Caballero y Antonio Villanueva
(ECIMAT – Universidad de Vigo)