
Ir order to promote the research activity carried out by marine researchers from the University of Vigo and to promote ECIMAT´s services to the scientific comunity, ECIMAT has recently joined AQUAEXCEL infrastructure network.

AQUAEXCEL provides the European aquaculture research community with a platform of top class research infrastructures, integrating on a European scale key aquaculture research infrastructures. The platform encompasses a wide range of production systems including recirculation, flow-through, hatchery, cage, and pond systems. Fish research will be spread across several species including sea bass, sea bream, salmon, cod, trout, turbot, sole, hake, common carp and other species. Freshwater, marine, cold, and warm water environments will be representated, as will small, medium and industrial scale settings.

AQUAEXCEL´s main objectives are: 

 – Access to state-of-the-art aquaculture research infrastructures by research teams who would otherwise not normally have access to these facilities. 
 – Coordination of key research infrastructures in Europe, creating the basis for joint research projects.
 – An online inventory of key aquaculture research infrastructures, facilities and services.
 – Harmonisation and standardization of resources between partners, notably but not exclusively for fish models and experimental methods developed in-house.
 – Transfer of knowledge activities, such as training early-stage researchers and technicians on the latest experimental methods in aquaculture research.

More information at