La Red Europea EuroMarine abre una convocatoria para la organización de grupos internacionales y jornadas de trabajo en investigación marina

The European Marine Research Network (EuroMarine), which the University of Vigo is part (through the Marine Research Singular Center – ECIMAT), organises a call for proposals of activities for Foresight Workshops and Working Groups addressing strategic marine services or issues.


  • The eligible categories of activities that will be funded in 2017 are limited to:
    • Foresight Workshops (‘horizon scanning’, FWS) – maximum funding: 7,500 €
    • EuroMarine Working Groups (WG) addressing strategic services or issues – maximum funding: 5,000 €
  • To be eligible, scientific proposals should address EuroMarine priorities, as defined in the 2015 summary text on EuroMarine scientific strategy.
  • Proposals should involve at least three 2017 Full (paying) Member Organisations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries
  • Activities should preferably be carried out in 2018 and any exemption should be justified in the proposal.

How to submit a proposal

  • Documents and links relevant to the present call are provided at EuroMarine website.
  • Proposals  must refer to the full text of the call, to the terms and conditions of funding for details on eligibility criteria, eligible costs and constraints linked to funding, and to the other supporting document or links to check out EuroMarine priorities or to find potential co-organising EuroMarine partners.
  • To submit a proposal, proposers must fill in and return the application form (using either the Word or the Open Office template) following instructions therein.

Selection process

  • The two sets of proposals corresponding to the above two categories will be reviewed separately using specific criteria and specific pools of referees (EuroMarine volunteers).
  • The EuroMarine Steering Committee will be in charge of the final selection and moderation to ensure a balance of disciplines and topics within the available budget.

Notification and publication of outcome

  • All proposers will receive a notification and the outcome will be posted on the EuroMarine website.
  • Each of the activities funded by EuroMarine will be described on a specific webpage on the EuroMarine website and will be announced in a timely manner on the EuroMarine mailing list so that EuroMarine members can apply to participate.


  • 13th March: Preannouncement of the call
  • 1st April: Publication of the call
  • 31st May: Deadline for FWS and WG proposal submission
  • 1st June – 1st Sept.: Review process
  • 16th Oct.: Publication of the results

More information: